New Badibidu Bio!
I have some exciting new collaborations next year which I will tell you all about at the right time, but for now, here is the new bio I’ve written with MUCH help from friends (you know who you are so thank you, it’s incredibly hard to write like this about yourself).
The bio will be used on other people’s websites or in any press in future (I can dream can’t I?!).
Here it is…
“Sheffield based artist Cat Regi is also known as Badibidu, a name which came from her childhood name for caterpillars. Badibidu is a realisation of Cat’s lifelong dream to have a business selling something she has created. Her art celebrates colour in the natural world, demonstrating how intricate beauty can be found in variety and imperfection. She uses her experience of living in a wide number of beautiful places including Devon, Italy, Yorkshire and South Wales to produce relaxing images that are inspired by embracing the idea of antiperfection via mixed-media art. Her paintings organically evolve, driven by the imagination of a lifelong daydreamer and the interaction of pigments, water and paper, producing unique and unpredictable effects. Cat is proud to be part of a neurodiverse family and celebrates this in her artwork and on social media.”