How does this relate to watercolour?
I didn't paint for years because I thought I wasn't good enough. I still procrastinate when getting started or when attempting to finish a task because I want it to be just right. I put myself down because I look at things and see tiny imperfections that potentially only I can see. I want better than this for myself and my kids. I want them to create because they love it, to take part in life without worrying about not hitting an arbitrary 'perfection'. I want my friends and strangers to try painting or whatever they've been putting off for fear of not being good enough. My cheerleaders got me here and I'm going to be yours. Do the thing! Don't worry if it's perfect just do it.

Why should I be anti perfectionist?
There is no one size fits all, but I have written a blog post on what I think the benefits of antiperfection are.
5 Ways Antiperfection Will Improve Your Life
'...So many of us are slowed down, are held back and put ourselves down seeking a standard of perfection that doesn’t have rules or a clearly-defined end point. We feel like we’ll recognise it when we get there but… honestly.. will we?? It holds a lot of people back from enjoying creating or sometimes from creating anything, and I’d love to be part of breaking down that barrier so kids and adults can enjoy art but these points apply to all parts of anyone’s life. Here are five ways your life will be improved by being slightly easier on yourself, not having no standards at all just not seeking totally unobtainable ones...'
Are the little cards free?
The cards are free to anyone who wants them and can't afford them, or to organisations that don't have the funds but think they could make use of them.
Anyone who can buy them from me will be helping me to fund the cards that I give out to charities, schools, community centres, mental health centres, local authority projects and all sorts of other places.
Who else is involved?
Let me know if you'd like to be a supporter of antiperfection and I'll link you here. You can even get some #antiperfection cards to give out in the shop!
Current supporters A-Z
Where is this going?
I know that lots of people feel the same way so I'm hoping we can join forces and get this idea trickling into as many subconsciouses as possible.
Get the cards stuck on your wall to remind you that done is better than perfect. Give one to a friend to free them from perfectionism (if they want freeing!). Teach our kids that they are enough and their effort is enough. Let's all be proud of what we can do instead of stressing out about the bits we can't do.
#Antiperfection supporter to-do list
Contact Badibidu (that's me!) to say hi
Get some campaign cards if you want to give some to friends or kids who could do with the reminders.
Let me know if you'd like listing on this page as a supporter and if you'd like to link the page back to show you're part of it that would be great too!
Generally continue being awesome.